Questo post segue idealmente Lo chiamavano Nathan.
This post ideally follows About Nathan. Eccomi qui, di ritorno dall'Irlanda, con una connessione 56k che fa schifo e tanti scherzi. Mi scuso per il ritardo ma ieri ero in viaggio.
Mentre comincio a diventare (di nuovo) scema, cercando di trovare un qualunque punto di contatto con uno qualunque dei miei costumisti preferiti (tanto per sapere solo se c'è la possibilità di fare uno stage) torniamo un attimo al marvelverse (sempre lui) per continuare, idealmente, il post Lo chiamavano Nathan.
In quell'occasione
accennavo ai cappotti, identici tra loro, di Nathan Never, Rick
Deckard e Remy LeBeau. In particolare, citavo Gambit perché i
rimandi con l'X-Man cajun erano anche altri (Lo strano triangolo: guardie e ladri e felini).
Ma quel cappotto...
Quel cappotto deve aver affascinato i disegnatori e costumisti di
ogni generazione perché, come vedremo, torna frequentemente (specialmente in personaggi minori di cui NON mi occuperò).
D'altronde, credo
che ognuno di noi abbia delle fisse che non si toglie (al massimo
subiscono oscillazioni di stile) col passare delle mode perché, in
qualche modo, ci definiscono.
Here I'm, back from Ireland with an old and horrible 56k internet connection that loves playing me a lot of jokes =_= ...Anyway... I'm sorry for the delay but yesterday I was travelling.
While I'm becoming crazy (again) trying to find out a point of contact for one of my favourite costume designers just to ask them if there's the possibility for me to have an internship, I come back for a moment in the Marvelverse. My intent is to ideally conclude my previous post About Nathan.
In that post I talked about trenches, identical one to another, of Nathan Never, Rick Deckard and Remy LeBeau. Particularly, I quoted Gambit because the references with the cajun X-Man were also other (A strange Triangle: cops and thieves and cats).
But that trench... That trench must have been won over any generation of drawers and costumists because, as I will tell you, came back again and again (especially with secondary character but I will NOT deal with them).
I think, after all, that each one of us has his own obsession that nobody can erase from his mind. They can just fluctuate a little bit in the style by the trend of the moment because, in a way or in another, they define us.
While I'm becoming crazy (again) trying to find out a point of contact for one of my favourite costume designers just to ask them if there's the possibility for me to have an internship, I come back for a moment in the Marvelverse. My intent is to ideally conclude my previous post About Nathan.
In that post I talked about trenches, identical one to another, of Nathan Never, Rick Deckard and Remy LeBeau. Particularly, I quoted Gambit because the references with the cajun X-Man were also other (A strange Triangle: cops and thieves and cats).
But that trench... That trench must have been won over any generation of drawers and costumists because, as I will tell you, came back again and again (especially with secondary character but I will NOT deal with them).
I think, after all, that each one of us has his own obsession that nobody can erase from his mind. They can just fluctuate a little bit in the style by the trend of the moment because, in a way or in another, they define us.
Cominciamo con
l'esempio più noto al grande pubblico.
Nick Fury in Iron
Man 2.
attentamente il collo: cambia il colore, ma la foggia e, soprattutto,
le impunture sono quelle che si trovano nei fumetti. In The Avengers e in Cap2 gliel'hanno cambiato ancora, questa traccia resta!
Poco da dire, i
costumisti stanno facendo lavori sublimi, trasponendo nella realtà
quelli che erano solo disegni. E lo fanno rendendo credibile
il tutto. Pensate alla tuta di Cap in Soldato d'Inverno. E
guardate anche solo lo stesso Bucky (la spalla di Cap nella 2^ GM).
Son riusciti a renderlo più figo che nel fumetto!
Let's start with the
instance best known to the general public.
Nick Fury in Iron Man 2.
Nick Fury in Iron Man 2.
Pay attention to the
collar: the colour is different but the shape and, above all, the
stitching are the same that you can find in the comics. In The Avengers and Cap2 it changes again... but the track is still there. Nothing to
say: costumists are working truly well in the reproduction of what
were only draws. Plausibly! Look at the Captain America
suit in Winter Soldier. And look at Bucky itself (Cap
sidekick during the Second WW) who's more cool than in the comics!
Ma torniamo ai
fumetti, appunto.
Con lo stesso,
fatidico cappotto troviamo altri due famosi personaggi degli X-Men.
Praticamente gli unici che indossino un cappotto.
Sono la
delinquentella e reginetta del pop (per tutti i gossip e le
novità-specie in fatto di slang giovanile- chiedete a lei), la
scoppiettante Jubilation Lee.
back to the comics.
We can find other two famous X-men with exactly the same trench. Practically the only persons that wear it.
One is a fancy juvenile delinquent and pop queen (ask to her for all the gossips and the news, especially in matter of juvenile jargon) lively Jubilation Lee.
We can find other two famous X-men with exactly the same trench. Practically the only persons that wear it.
One is a fancy juvenile delinquent and pop queen (ask to her for all the gossips and the news, especially in matter of juvenile jargon) lively Jubilation Lee.
E l'arcigno,
antipatico ai limiti del paradosso e della risata, il non-nazista Dottor Nemesis
(James Nicola Bradley).
Ma solo nella nuova
squadra X-Force di Cable, con quella tenuta da guerrigliero
post-atomico che, sono sincera, mi ha parecchio sorpresa. Altrimenti
sembrava Humphrey Bogart scappato dal set di Casablanca.
Casablanca... nota località turistica per operazioni chirurgiche particolari... Il periodo era quello...
Ecco che tutto torna!
Casablanca... nota località turistica per operazioni chirurgiche particolari... Il periodo era quello...
Ecco che tutto torna!
what about surly and irksome to the limit of paradox and laugh, the
not-Nazi Doctor Nemesis (James Nicola Bradley)? But only in the new
Cable's X-force team, with that post-atomic guerrilla outfit that, to
be honest, really surprise me. Otherwise he would seem Humphrey
Bogart escaped from the Casablanca's set.
Casablanca... known tourist resort for special surgical operations... The time was the same...
Everything matched perfectly!
Casablanca... known tourist resort for special surgical operations... The time was the same...
Everything matched perfectly!